Largest and busiest police station in Free State in dire condition – Once again proof that the current government cannot maintain the country’s infrastructure

Debt ridden Eskom shutting down power plants it can’t afford to fix and increasing the risk of #rollingblackouts- We can thank the incompetent ANC-regime for this!

Angered pupils ‘burn down Durban school’ after getting ‘bad marks’

Robbery caught on camera, police fail to take action

Former South African fatally wounded after shots being fired in broad daylight at Menlyn Maine mall

ANC wants to speed up expropriation process during Christmas holiday season

Coffin due gets lighter sentence after successful appeal

Van Reenen up in flames- traffic came to a halt after explosion on the famous route

Van Reenen pas in vlamme gehul – motoriste vir ure vertraag na ontploffing op die bekende roete uitbreek

Holidaymakers will now have to pay more for that long-awaited holiday due to rise in fuel prices