Biggest technical training university in SA is on the verge of collapse due to chaos and corruption

Trustworthiness of Ramaphosa under scrutiny – Not once, when he was part of the ANC-regime’s system in the Zuma-era did he ever said a word regarding the grand-scale corruption to the collapse of the economy to state capture

Ramaphosa’s share in SA’s dilapidated state is questioned and his latest press release is inconsistent: “I did not deliberately mislead Parliament about R500 000 Bosasa donation”

South Africa following Zimbabwe into ruin? – The Zimbabwe economy is in chaos and disease is breaking out all over the place. Like Mugabe, the SA politicians are sucking our country dry and it is heading towards being just another black failed state

After the ANC regime came to power in 1994, South Africa became a completely corrupt state, the statement being proved daily by the skeletons now being excavated by the Commission of State Inquiry

Now taxpayers must suffer for maladministration and corrupted Govan Mbeki Municipality – Taps run dry in Bethal after municipality fails to pay R87.7m water bill

The possible syphoning off of public funds for the benefit of the ANC exposed: How Zuma friends tried to steal R45m to buy ANC votes

The tentacles of corruption is beginning to surface all over SA –  Johannesburg swarms with illegal electrical connections as well as buildings erected without municipal approval – Investigations show R9 million loss

Corruption and bribery seems to be a general tendency in traffic department – Hawks arrest another bunch of corrupt traffic officials this time in the Cape Province

It is reported that Cyril has no solid economic policy, is that why he is just borrowing money from everywhere?