The Untouchables in a Gangster’s Paradise? Is it reasonable or ethical to make use of companies that do not consider themselves to be held accountable, for their actions in any private or public enterprise? While globalist Big Tech like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, and Instagram has become seemingly untouchable, even from the US Supreme Court or Whitehouse, the same culture of supremacy, greed, lack of accountability, lack of transparency, and lack of responsibility seems to have created and sustained an environment in South Africa where IT negligence is acceptable, and lack of accountability is the norm, even when it comes to government institutions, contracts and tenders.
Is Corporate SA Infected by ANC Corruption, Greed & Negligence? Dimension Data NTT Case Study
Communism FAILS Again! Another ANC BEE Milk Farm Collective Ends in Disaster, Despite (or Because?) R43 Million of Our Taxes Being Given To Them!
Hundreds of cows dying from neglect has been termed “a challenge” by the MEC for Agriculture in the Eastern Cape, Nonkqubela Pieters. What normal people would call animal abuse, the socialists (sociopaths?) call a challenge? It is becoming patently clear that Ramaphosa’s “our people” simply cannot, or do not want to farm, they just want the cash handouts and free stuff that comes with all these disastrous virtue seeking schemes. The milk farm financed by the state to the tune of R43 million, as a much publicised empowerment project for “our people”, has collapsed in the Eastern Cape, leaving most of the cows dead and not much going on besides the odd sickly cow wandering about.
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Civilization is Too Technical & Complicated for ANC as Residents Are Charged for Air in Water Pipes!
Socialist Elitism in South Africa has finally achieved its aim of charging people for air, literally! Residents of Vanderbijlpark & Emfuleni are paying exorbitant bills for air coming through the water pipes, instead of water. All this because the minority are excluded from managing their own affairs, utilities and resources, so they are at the mercy of the incompetence, standards and values of the parasitic ANC and its self serving cadres & supporters.
Residents of Vanderbijlpark can expect huge water bills at the end of the month, even though in many cases water does not even come out of the pipes because there are frequent water outages in the area, and parts of the town are currently without water.
Peter Verbeek, the DA councilor for the SW5 and SW6 area in Vanderbijlpark, who is currently experiencing water interruptions, told Netwerk24 that it is actually air that enters the water pipes, that makes the water bills
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“Systemic Looting at Eskom” – R238,000 for Wooden Broom, R80,000 for a Kneepad, R56 for Bottle of Milk! #TheAfricanWay is the Consumption of Civilization Itself!
De-Colonisation = De-Civilisation: The “previously disadvantaged” who are now the “currently advantaged” clearly regard Eskom as a personal cash machine, with unlimited credit (from you the taxpayer). Andre de Ruyter, head of Eskom said this type of extreme plunder has been systemic in Eskom for years. No wonder Eskom (you) are sitting with enormous debt of about half a TRILLION Rand which YOU and your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren have to repay. Sadly it is not even the poor benefitting from this outright criminality, but black ANC elites, cronies and officials who already earn massively inflated salaries, who are stuffing their pockets even further, in true African style. #TheAfricanWay
Andre de Ruyter, head of Eskom, has now suspended Solly Tshitangano (pictured), Eskom’s head of procurement, over the open and sick plunder that took place under his control. De Ruyter said he had to
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ANC Using #Covid19SA to Justify Plans to “Discipline Private Sector”, Nationalise Pensions & Plunder Central Bank Reserves in “Radical Transformation”!
THE STATE CAPTURE TO END ALL CAPTURES: True to their word, the ANC’s Ramaphosa and Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma (NDZ) are using the extended CCP-virus lockdown, as a cover to propose changes to the Pension law in order to grab pensions for massive redistribution of wealth, and tender fraud on a scale never seen before! Né Cyril? We should have known. The ANC is coming for your pensions with it’s promised radical transformation, turning the country into a fully communist, totalitarian and fascist black supremacist hellhole. In short they are throwing more wood under the pot in which they are slowly boiling the white minority frogs. Lots and lots of wood.
A new concept document by the ANC’s head of economic transformation, Enoch Godongwana, states that the ANC wants to use pension money and the reserves of the Reserve Bank, to build a so called “open economy” post CCP-virus pandemic. Open for looting yes! The concept document was subm
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SOE Alexkor Goes Bankrupt! ANC Cannot Even Make Profit From Diamond Mining? Yet Again, The “Permanently Disadvantaged” Plunder The Golden Goose to Death!
If ever there was a business that should be a cash cow for the ANC government, diamond mining is it, well, maybe it is, directly into their back pockets! The ongoing weakness and current record low Rand value means record high prices for Alexkor’s diamonds abroad, which come from a vast resource of 90-95% gem-quality diamonds which exists off the west coast of Southern Africa. In fact it is so precious the entire area is off limits to the public, yet still the ANC government manages to make it bankrupt? Alexkor joins the long list of almost every single other SOE going bankrupt, begging the question to be asked, whether this is deliberate?
Alexkor’s business is quality diamonds from it’s unique land and mineral resources. The core business of the Alexkor State Owned Enterprise (SOE) is mining of diamonds on land, rivers, beaches and the sea along the north-west coast of South Africa. Alexkor is also involved in allied geology activities as well as resid
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ANC’s Minister Lindiwe Sisulu Rewards Criminality – Vusi Tshabalala Who Plundered Harrismith Municipality into Bankruptcy is Now Chief Whip for Free State Legislature!
#TheAfricanWay A National Council of Provinces Committee meeting in Parliament heard about looting of Harrismith municipality, ended up in small talk with no decision as they ignored the crimes Vusi Tshabalala, the ANC criminal that ran the Maluti-a-Phofung municipality (Harrismith, Qwaqwa and Kestell), into the ground. Seems everyone wants a piece of Ace Magashule’s #GangsterState.
Vusi Tshabalala, now sits in the Free State legislature as the chief whip while the matter of the total looting and destruction of the municipality in question, came up yesterday in a sitting of the National Council of Provinces. George Michalakis, a DA MP, said Tshabalala belongs in jail and requested a full forensic audit. Present during the meeting was Skully Nxangisa, the Free State MEC responsible, Blake Fatola, who is the administrator of the failed and ruined municipality, Minister Lindiwe Sisulu and a representative of Sedibeng Water and Eskom.
Mokete Duma, wh
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#BoycottNews24 Liberal News24 Editor Adriaan Basson Capitulates To ANC / COSATU Plan To Raid Your Pensions To Pay Eskom’s Corruption & Mismanagement & Soweto’s Unpaid Bill!
One of the reasons left wing liberals are called snowflakes is because it does not take much to make them melt and give up any reason or principle, and like a snowflake hitting the warm ground, the controversial far left wing Editor of News24, Adriaan Basson’s feelings towards “thousands of pensioners whose livelihood depends on the GEPF“, quickly melted and turned into a callous “We have run out of money and options – pensions will bail out Eskom.” Seems for some reason Adriaan Basson now supports the plan to plunder your pensions!
Far left liberal Adriaan Basson, changed his position on pension capture in little over 2 weeks: On 10 February, just before the budget speech, Basson wrote the following in a News24 column and we quote: ” I do take issue with their opportunistic flirting with a plan that can only be to the detriment of the thousands of pensioners whose livelihood depends on the GEP
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Deliberate Losses: Affirmative Action & BEE, A Scam That Bankrupted an Entire Country & ALL its State Owned Enterprises! Allowed To Steal Tons of Cash Just For Being Black, Not For Adding Any Value!
Never before has there been as big a fraud perpetrated upon hardworking taxpayers than that which the majority black population has perpetrated upon South Africa. Imagine you know someone high up at a state owned utility, and because you are black, (and probably an ANC member too), you can add a 10% markup to the SOE’s services or product price and then have that 10% paid into your bank account. You then sit back and the money rolls in. By selling your blackness, to the utility to give it affirmative action credibility, you become a billionaire… you don’t work, you just steal.
This nationwide fraud is institutional, structural and even official and is akin to legalised plunder! Like making something legal that was previously illegal, like marijuana was, defrauding the state has become legal in ALL its departments and State Owned Enterprises. It has become the norm, not the exception. Despite the fact that last year Cyril Ramaphosa, pirate in chief,
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Black Township Protesting Power Cuts, Blocks Eskom From Inspecting Sub Station, After Racist “Gangster” Mayor Implements Extra Load Shedding on Top of Eskom’s!
Gangsterism and cutting off your nose to spite your face, seems to be a recurring theme in #TheAfricanWay: Amsterdam in Mpumalanga has instituted its own internal electricity revolving power cuts, of 5 hours per day, and the Mayor refuses to speak English at community feedback meetings.
The Mkhondo (Piet Retief) municipality serving Amsterdam in Mpumalanga has now also instituted “internal” load shedding on top of Eskom’s own load shedding. The community is in uproar over an additional 5 hours per day load shedding, on top of the scheduled Eskom load shedding. Giel Coetzer, a businessman in town says his business is at a standstill and everyone’s food and meat is rotting in their fridges. The local mayor, Vusi Motha, was supposed to address a multiracial meeting of both black and white residents last week, but he and other officials arrived an hour and a half late. He then acted in a very racist way by insisting to speak only in Zulu a
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