Exposing Them To Harm: We have previously shown how the ANC regime is waging an arm’s length war against whites in South Africa, by indirectly allowing criminals and encouraging them to kill and rob us. The full-scale misuse of Covid19 has once again proved how eager they are to expose us to harm, while being able to plead innocence. Is the black socialist ANC going to expose us to poverty forever, and prevent us from working or generating income, to maintain economic oppression over us to drive forward their racial war against whites? Their goal is to destroy white businesses and then put a black business in its place. This is a worldwide Socialist campaign, and in Europe it is called “The Great Replacement“. George Soros has given $500 Million to illegal immigrants to start non-white businesses, and his agents are busy in SA too! The misuse of Covid19 or CCPvirus for totalitarian purposes is called “The Great Reset“,
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Like Crime, Covid19 Gave the “Rooi Gevaar” an Arm’s Length Weapon to Expose Whites to Harm With! Useful Idiots Being Separated From Freedom Lovers!
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VIDEO: “Socialists Are Selfish & Cowardly Communists!” Destroy Them Or They Will Destroy Us & Our Civilisation!
Coup d’etat USA2020: Globalist Capitalists (MultiNationals) and International Communists are conspiring to overthrow all our nations and bring us all under their totalitarian control in order to unequally, raise their own status, power and wealth – they are already more than three quarters of the way to world supremacy and total global domination forever! It really is them or us!
The similarities between what Big Tech and Mainstream Media are doing in USA and all Western nations, and Socialism / Communism are stunning!
Like any far left or even african despot dictator, these American Dictators are:
- Unelected
- Super Rich
- Buy The Judiciary
- Above The Law
- Rig Elections
- Totalitarian Censorship
- Destroy The Opposition and anyone who opposes them
If the vid
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Are ANC Lying About CoronaVirus Figures Like Their Chinese Communist Counterparts, and Are They Using it to Smear & Blame White People Again?
As the world hits 150,000 infections globally, “Black Twitter” as it is known in SA, is spreading the myth that black people do not get Coronavirus! At the same time, one of the glaring things to come out of the surprisingly few coronavirus cases in South Africa, is that no infections were exported from China to SA? This despite there being multiple times more people coming from China to SA than Italy, yet it is Europe that the ANC seems intent on blaming for its Coronavirus infections.
In fact an SABC “executive producer” with a long title, made an entire report, with fancy graphics, about all Africa’s infections coming from Europe, even though there are over a million Chinese workers in Africa! However the Twitterati and WHO had a heart attack when people called it the “ChineseCorona” virus, even though that is where it started, but it is ok to point fingers at Europe? WHO was also very happy to announce that the v
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On liberalism and identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!
Looking at the global trends in politics today, it is clear that two clear mainstreams have emerged. It is necessary to understand what is happening and get a clear sense of why there are certain developments in the global political world. There are not enough political scholars and writers around today who can give people a clear picture of why there are certain political trends at play. Global media is mostly captured by one of these mainstreams, namely global liberalism driving a globalist society , so one can not expect a fair and balanced view from them at all. If people don’t understand why things are happening, it would be quite easy for misconceptions to abound. So lets try and get a real clear and easy to understand explanation.
I am basing this article on the words of Natan Sharansky, a famous Soviet intellectual and dissident against communism who immigrated to Israel. I am adding my own perspective into the mix.
His interview with the Jer
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