#TheLeftLies: Did you fall for it? It is all smoke and mirrors as the left, Democrats, Big Tech and the Deep State swamp manufacture Biden’s faux popularity, like they manufactured his election, yet in reality when you step back from Social Media and Mainstream Media imperialism and bias, Biden is the most unpopular “most popular” Prez! Youtube and Big Tech have been actively trying to censor the truth of Biden’s UNpopularity coming out, by deleting dislikes to all his vids, on various channels. On one video as much as 70% of the dislikes were deleted to make him appear popular! Likewise, over Valentine the biased mainstream media gushed about a “Love Story” in the Whitehouse? They seem to forget how Joe and Jill met. How did they meet? Well, Joe cheated on his wife and friend, and Jill cheated on her husband (Joe’s friend). Sounds like a love story made in hell, but cheating fits the narrative of the liberal left just fine.
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VIDEO: Far Left Youtube Deletes Biden’s Dislikes! Mainstream “#LoveMedia” Artificially Manufacturing Popularity & Consent for The Left! Did They Trick You?
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#SocialismKills – Another Day, Another White Life Taken for a Few Gadgets in The MultiCulti Sh*thole Rainbow AbomiNation!
WE ARE BEYOND GATVOL! A well known member of the Run/Walk for Life athletic club, Belinda Huyzers (49), was callously and unnecessarily shot dead, in cold blood, during a home invasion at the family home! What will it take to stop this murderous Socialist driven genocide of all nations in SA? We can swear, we can protest and march. We can debate, insult, shout, argue, beg, plead, pray and even fight, but nothing changes. Europeans have always counted and honoured their dead and we are not about to stop now! Riding hard on the back of the radicalized “Black Majority”, the police, authorities, government, ANC, EFF, Mainstream Media, Globalist Big Tech and MultiNational corporations do not give a damn. What are a few lives when there is so much power, plunder and profit to be made out of stealing from, enslaving, abusing and oppressing normal people? “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Th
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Traitors & Useful Idiots to Wear Black! Globalists Created “Anti-Racism” to Destroy Independent Nations, Cultures, Languages, History, Ethnicities & Diversity!
ANTI-RACISM DESTROYS DIVERSITY: The liberal globalists have jumped on the George Floyd incident to not only try steal the US General Election, but also to try restart their “Liberal World Order”, which Trump and many truthers like SA-News worldwide have exposed in the last few years. Let’s be clear, judging someone based purely on the colour of their skin is simply stupid, however that is exactly what the ANC does everyday. If the ANC where genuine about “anti-racism” they would have dropped the race based BBBEE long time ago. This then exposes their hidden agenda and we have to look behind the scenes, before we start wearing black…
Do not be fooled, “anti-racism” and “anti-xenophobia” will eventually even be used by EU, AU, Ramaphosa & WMC to destroy South Africa itself and blend it into a <a href="https://sa-news.com/colonisation-2-0-african-union-is-european-union-in-disguise-but-does-anyone-c
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The 3 Types of Frogs That Ramaphosa & ANC are Slowly Boiling in the Pot – Which One Are You?
According to Ramaphosa’s own infamous admission, the ANC is boiling you in the slow cooking pot so that you do not notice the decline in your rights, freedoms and living conditions. While Ramaphosa mentioned it years ago, it is based on the communist policy of “incrementalism” in which they have been slowly building up their liberal one world governance organisation (globalism) over an entire century! We analyse the 3 types of “frogs” in the South African scenario.
Cyril Ramaphosa on occasion compared white people to frogs in a slow boiling pot of water, where the temperature is slowly increased to prevent whites from realizing that they will lose everything, and to prevent them from fighting or fleeing to get out of the pot. We can divide the cur
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A New Year & A New Decade: More Communist Self Enrichment, Globalist Destruction of Identity & The African Way. You AiNtCeen Nothing Yet!
At the time of year that most people in South Africa break away for a holiday, (the lucky ones that is), or relax at home, it has unfortunately become necessary to burst a few bubbles and challenge the mainstream narrative. South Africa is teetering on the brink and staring into the abyss as it stumbles into oblivion in the new year and a new decade. Just how bad it will be will become clear soon enough. Let those with ears listen…
We are facing a total onslaught of totalitarian and full blown communism enforced on us by a criminal black globalist mafia in the ANC and EFF, whilst at the same time having to face the collapsing economy it created, spiraling national debt which we won’t be able to pay back for generations – meaning we will probably end up as a possession of China – collapse of ALL state owned enterprises, #ParasiticParastatals like Eskom, PRASA, SAA, Post Office, SABC, Denel, SABS, SASSA, etc. whilst continuing to face ev
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On liberalism and identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!
Looking at the global trends in politics today, it is clear that two clear mainstreams have emerged. It is necessary to understand what is happening and get a clear sense of why there are certain developments in the global political world. There are not enough political scholars and writers around today who can give people a clear picture of why there are certain political trends at play. Global media is mostly captured by one of these mainstreams, namely global liberalism driving a globalist society , so one can not expect a fair and balanced view from them at all. If people don’t understand why things are happening, it would be quite easy for misconceptions to abound. So lets try and get a real clear and easy to understand explanation.
I am basing this article on the words of Natan Sharansky, a famous Soviet intellectual and dissident against communism who immigrated to Israel. I am adding my own perspective into the mix.
His interview with the Jer
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Traitor Malema Sells Out His Own People To Globalism! Just Like De Klerk, Mandela, Tony Blair, Merkel, Obama…
Julius Malema, the deliberately controversial leader of the deliberately misnamed Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), recently showed his true globalist colours, exposing his service and loyalty to London and Western Globalism. Speaking in response to the popular uprising happening among black South Africans, who are pushing back against the unchecked mass immigration into their country ever since the ANC obediently implemented Open Borders, through their policy of Deliberate Negligence on the border.
The EFF leader has responded to reports of renewed anti mass immigration violence by asking his followers to rather direct their anger at wealthy white people.
In a speech (video below) and tweet that has been described by EFF opponents AfriForum as a “racist incitement”, Malema called for “African brothers and sisters” to rather direct their anger at the “owners of wealth … white monopoly capital”.
As all nations around the globe who ha
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