WE ARE BEING SLAUGHTERED. Information is provided about white victims only because genocide exist when one group is being slaughtered by another group in a hateful manner. This slaughter is carried on month by month in South Africa, so the point is being made that a slow genocide is happening.
Dec 1 – The body of an as yet unknown 54 year old woman is found in her home in Short street, Hilton area, Aliwal North. It is discovered in a subsequent post mortem that she was strangled.
Dec 1- An elderly woman, Dirkie van Zyl (89) is beaten over the head with a hammer by a black male home invader during the night in Hoopstad. She survives but has to be hospitalized with a deep gash in her head.
Dec 2 – JB Strydom, a father of 3, is shot dead at point-blank range by Carlo Arendse, a coloured male, in the parking of the Menlyn Main shopping center. There was no reason to shoot him. Arendse only shot him because he felt like it. Strydom recently emigrat
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