VIDEO: #MAGA Framed! Stalin Would be Proud of #TheSwamp Sting & Purge as Globalist Elites Grab Power Back From The People!

#SocialismKills – Another Day, Another White Life Taken for a Few Gadgets in The MultiCulti Sh*thole Rainbow AbomiNation!

ANC Nanny State is Here to Stay! Covid19 Proved ANC Ignores Scientists, Have No Trust in the People & Prefer Total Power, Control & Dictatorship!

#TheAfricanWay Sub-Station in Springs Burns Down Because Ekhurhuleni (East Rand) Municipality Failed To Do Repairs After Break-in Last Year, Despite Being Warned It Could Catch Fire, Leaving Thousands Without Power!

Should Electricity Users Pay Eskom Direct? Eskom Losing a BILLION a Month Because Corrupt Municipal Councilors Steal User’s Electricity Payments!

Eskom cannot deliver sufficient and sustainable power, ANC regime now approves alternative options

Court deals Soweto residents who wants to pay a flat tarrif of R150 a month for electricity a blow by striking case off the roll

Medupi and Kusile power stations are still “off the grid” due to poor construction work, corruption and cost overruns